Defunct State Agencies
The following Commonwealth agencies providing state publications are no longer in existence due to agency reorganization, consolidation, or other reasons. Each Commonwealth agency has a link to the state publications of that agency and a download button for a finding aid for that collection, which contains further historical notes, connected agency notes, general notes on copyrighted publications and related Internet Archive publications, etc.
Defunct State Agencies
The following Commonwealth agencies providing state publications are no longer in existence due to agency reorganization, consolidation, or other reasons. Each Commonwealth agency has a link to the state publications of that agency and a download button for a finding aid for that collection, which contains further historical notes, connected agency notes, general notes on copyrighted publications and related Internet Archive publications, etc.
Board of Commissioners of Public Charities
The Board of Commissioners of Public Charities was charged with inspection of all charitable, penal, and correctional institutions in the Commonwealth. Within this Board was a Committee on Lunacy, which examined places specifically for the confinement of the insane.
The publications of the Board of Public Charities contain annual reports, from the Board itself and the Committee on Lunacy. Selected topics from these publications include yearly happenings and statistics of the Board and the Committee, and reports from the Officers of the Board and the Chairman of the Committee. The bulk of the current material is dated from 1885 to 1912.
Download the Board of Commissioners of Public Charities finding aid for further information on agency history, relationships with other state agencies, general notes, etc.
Board of Inspectors of the Eastern State Penitentiary
The Board of the Eastern State Penitentiary was created to oversee the administration and conditions of the correctional institution, and to ensure that penal law was being upheld. In the early years of the institution, the Board was also responsible for researching the efficacy of solitary confinement in the Pennsylvania system. The Board was responsible for reporting to the Governor and General Assembly of Pennsylvania the annual review, including prison statistics, improvements, and happenings.
The publications of the Board of the Eastern State Penitentiary contain annual reports and other topical reports. Selected topics from these publications include prison discipline, reconvictions, and annual prison statistics and demographic information. The bulk of the current material is dated from 1829 to 1929.
Download the Board of Inspectors of the Eastern State Penitentiary finding aid for further information on agency history, relationships with other state agencies, general notes, etc.
Board of Inspectors of the New Western Penitentiary
The Board of Inspectors of the New Western Penitentiary was created to oversee the administration and conditions of the correctional institution, and to ensure that penal law was being upheld. The Board was responsible for reporting to the Governor and General Assembly of Pennsylvania the annual review, including prison statistics, improvements, and happenings.
The publications of the Board of Inspectors of the New Western Penitentiary contain annual reports. Selected topics from these publications include annual prison statistics and demographic information. The bulk of the current material is dated from 1916.
Download the Board of Inspectors of the New Western Penitentiary finding aid for further information on agency history, relationships with other state agencies, general notes, etc.
Board of Inspectors of the Western State Penitentiary
The Board of Inspectors of the Western State Penitentiary was created to oversee the administration and conditions of the correctional institution, and to ensure that penal law was being upheld. The Board was responsible for reporting to the Governor and General Assembly of Pennsylvania the annual review, including prison statistics, improvements, and happenings.
The publications of the Board of Inspectors of the Western State Penitentiary contain annual reports. Selected topics from these publications include yearly prison happenings and statistics. The bulk of the current material is dated from 1839 to 1919.
Download the Board of Inspectors of the Western State Penitentiary finding aid for further information on agency history, relationships with other state agencies, general notes, etc.
Board of Probation and Parole
The Board of Probation and Parole granted parole and supervised all offenders sentenced by the courts to a maximum sentence of two years or more, or under two years if requested. The Board also revoked the parole of technical parole violators and those convicted of new crimes, and released from parole persons under supervision who served their sentence in compliance with the conditions governing their parole. The Board had the authority to revoke parole and return an individual to prison.
The publications of the Board of Probation and Parole contain annual reports. Selected topics from these publications include prison rape elimination, parole statistics, and yearly agency happenings. The bulk of the current material is dated from 2016 to 2018.
Download the Board of Probation and Parole finding aid for further information on agency history, relationships with other state agencies, general notes, etc.
Commission of Soldiers' Orphan Schools
The Commission (earlier - Department) of Soldiers' Orphan Schools was charged with administering the soldiers' orphan schools of the Commonwealth, including admissions, discharges, upkeep of accommodations, rules, regulations, and educational staff. The then-Department was created with the intention to care for orphans left in Pennsylvania from the American Civil War, both boys and girls, from ages four to sixteen, and later expanded to later war veterans' children.
The publications of the Commission of Soldiers' Orphan Schools contain annual reports. Selected topics from these publications include yearly agency happenings and statistics.
Download the Commission of Soldiers' Orphan Schools finding aid for further information on agency history, relationships with other state agencies, general notes, etc.
Department of Banking
The Department of Banking was responsible for chartering, licensing, regulating, and supervising depository and non-depository financial institutions in Pennsylvania, and for administering the provisions of laws authorizing lending and deposit-taking activities. The Department ensured the safety and soundness of state-chartered financial institutions, compliance with laws that govern financial service entities, and the protection of consumers in financial matters.
The publications of the Department of Banking contain newsletters. Selected topics from these publications include agency news. The bulk of the current material is dated from 2009 to 2012.
Download the Department of Banking finding aid for further information on agency history, relationships with other state agencies, general notes, etc.
Department of Environmental Resources
The Department of Environmental Resources was responsible for the management and protection of the natural resources of the Commonwealth. The Department held authority over state forests, parks, and outdoor recreational facilities belonging to the state, with the responsibility of conservation and promotion of Pennsylvania's natural resources.
The publications of the Department of Environmental Resources contain newsletters. Selected topics from these publications include wildlife discussion. The bulk of the current material is dated from 1994 to 1995.
Download the Department of Environmental Resources finding aid for further information on agency history, relationships with other state agencies, general notes, etc.
Department of Factory Inspection
The Department of Factory Inspection was responsible for administering safety inspections of industrial plants in Pennsylvania. Duties included the licensing and regulation of tenement work, the inspection and regulation of bakeries, and of all factories where women and minors are employed, and the enforcement of the laws concerning fire escapes, ventilation, wash-rooms, etc., in factories.
The publications of the Department of Factory Inspection contain annual reports. Selected topics from these publications include yearly happenings and statistics of Pennsylvania factories, and the report of the Chief Factory Inspector. The bulk of the current material is dated from 1897 to 1912.
Download the Department of Factory Inspection finding aid for further information on agency history, relationships with other state agencies, general notes, etc.
Department of Forestry
The Department of Forestry was responsible for the acquisition and management of state forest lands, the development of state parks, and the protection of state and private forest lands as a measure of conservation.
The publications of the Department of Forestry contain biennial reports. Selected topics from thesepublications include yearly happenings and statistics on Pennsylvania forests. Current holdings are available outside of the digital platform, on the Internet Archive (see the General Note in the finding aid).
Department of Forestry
The Department of Forestry was responsible for the acquisition and management of state forest lands, the development of state parks, and the protection of state and private forest lands as a measure of conservation.
The publications of the Department of Forestry contain biennial reports. Selected topics from thesepublications include yearly happenings and statistics on Pennsylvania forests. Current holdings are available outside of the digital platform, on the Internet Archive (see the General Note in the finding aid).
Download the Department of Forestry finding aid for further information on agency history, relationships with other state agencies, general notes, etc.
Department of Forests and Waters
The Department of Forests and Waters was responsible for the acquisition and management of state forest lands, the development of state parks, the improvement of waterways, the protection of the Commonwealth's water supply, the supervision of flood control projects, and the protection of state and private forest lands.
The publications of the Department of Forests and Waters contain biennial reports. Selected topics from these publications include yearly happenings and statistics on Pennsylvania forests, and the report of the Secretary of Forests and Waters. The bulk of the current material is dated from 1954.
Download the Department of Forests and Waters finding aid for further information on agency history, relationships with other state agencies, general notes, etc.
Department of Highways
The Department of Highways worked to cooperate with the Commonwealth’s political subdivisions in the improvement and maintenance of highways. The department was given exclusive authority and jurisdiction over state highways and general supervisory powers over all roads financed in whole or in part by state funds.
The publications of the Department of Highways contain standards. Selected topics from these publications include roadway construction standards. The bulk of the current material is dated from 1966.
Download the Department of Highways finding aid for further information on agency history, relationships with other state agencies, general notes, etc.
Department of Internal Affairs
The Department of Internal Affairs, headed by the Secretary of Internal Affairs, was bestowed under the Constitution and subsequent legislation all the duties of the Surveyor General, as well as duties involving the supervision of the activities of business organizations and charitable institutions.
The publications of the Department of Internal Affairs contain reports. Selected topics from these publications include the Pittston Twin Shaft Colliery Disaster. The bulk of the current material is dated from 1897.
Download the Department of Internal Affairs finding aid for further information on agency history, relationships with other state agencies, general notes, etc.
Department of Justice
The Department of Justice served as the law office and corrections program for the Commonwealth. From 1923, the Department of Justice was headed by the Attorney General. The department formerly housed the Bureau of Corrections, responsible for running the Pennsylvania correctional institutions. The Department was also responsible for providing legal advice to the Governor and all departments, boards, and commissions, and acting as legal counsel during legislative sessions.
The publications of the Department of Justice contain magazines. Selected topics from these publications include corrections and prisoner opinion. The bulk of the current material is dated from 1965 to 1967.
Records of the Office of the Attorney General may be included in these publications, if the records are specifically of the Department of Justice and not of the Office of the Attorney General itself.
Download the Department of Justice finding aid for further information on agency history, relationships with other state agencies, general notes, etc.
Department of Mines
The Department of Mines had the primary responsibility of protecting coal miners from unsafe working conditions. The Department enforced the anthracite and bituminous coal mining laws of the Commonwealth, inspected mines and collieries, investigated serious accidents, and supervised the examination and certification of applicants for certain mining jobs. The Department also supervised the restoration of strip-mine areas, promoted research relating to new uses and markets for coal, and published the annual reports of the coal mine inspectors.
The publications of the Department of Mines contain annual reports and biennial reports. Selected topics from these publications include yearly happenings and statistics of Pennsylvania mines, and the report of the Chief of Mining. The bulk of the current material is dated from 1904 to 1932.
Download the Department of Mines finding aid for further information on agency history, relationships with other state agencies, general notes, etc.
Department of Public Assistance
The Department of Public Assistance centralized relief programs in the Commonwealth, and administered the State Board of Public Assistance and the County Boards of Assistance.
The publications of the Department of Public Assistance contain reports. Selected topics from these publications include prescription drug charges, monetary contributions, and the labor market. The bulk of the current material is dated from 1941.
Download the Department of Public Assistance finding aid for further information on agency history, relationships with other state agencies, general notes, etc.
Department of Public Instruction
The Department of Public Instruction supervised the public school system, distributed State subsidies to school districts, administered teachers' colleges and vocational-education programs, issued licenses for certain professions, and operated the State Library. The Department was headed by the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction; these titles of Office and Department were occasionally used interchangeably.
The publications of the Department of Public Instruction contain newsletters and bulletins. Selected topics from these publications include teacher supply and demand, and agency happenings. The bulk of the current material is dated from 1956 to 1967.
Download the Department of Public Instruction finding aid for further information on agency history, relationships with other state agencies, general notes, etc.
Department of Public Printing and Binding
As the head of the Department of Public Printing and Binding, the Superintendent of Public Printing and Binding was responsible for all reports made to the Governor by the heads of Departments, having them printed, bound, and delivered to the proper departments. The Superintendent also was responsible for printing and binding all matter ordered to be printed by the Legislature and purchased all paper and stock used except binding materials. The Superintendent further awarded contracts for furnishing paper, envelopes, and other supplies for furnishing halftone cuts, electrotypes, steel and other plates and for lithographic printing. Upon written requisition, the Division of Documents distributed all printed documents to the heads of the various departments.
The publications of the Department of Public Printing and Binding contain annual reports. Selected topics from these publications include yearly happenings and statistics of the state bindery, and the report of the Superintendent.
Download the Department of Public Printing and Binding finding aid for further information on agency history, relationships with other state agencies, general notes, etc.
Department of Public Welfare
The Department of Public Welfare (DPW) promoted local social services and planning activities, distributed federal and state funds to local agencies, and developed programs to respond to the human service needs of the Commonwealth’s residents. Programs provided basic needs including money, food, shelter, health care, heat, and job-funding assistance for individuals and families. The Department also provided treatment, care, and supported services in state-operated facilities and in the community for people with mental illness and developmental disabilities as well as children and families.
The publications of the Department of Public Welfare contain annual reports, bulletins, and educational guides. Selected topics from these publications include child abuse and intellectual disabilities. The bulk of the current material is dated from 2003 to 2012.
Download the Department of Public Welfare finding aid for further information on agency history, relationships with other state agencies, general notes, etc.
Governor’s Cabinet on Children and Families
The Governor’s Cabinet on Children and Families was a semi-independent entity within the Department of Public Welfare. The cabinet made recommendations to the Governor on ways to creatively make the service delivery systems for children and families more responsive, efficient and effective to address concerns that families were unable to navigate the complex systems of care meant to provide assistance.
The publications of the Governor’s Cabinet on Children and Families contain reports. Selected topics from these publications include the Pennsylvania Healthy Kids program. The bulk of the current material is dated from 2006.
Download the Governor’s Cabinet on Children and Families finding aid for further information on agency history, relationships with other state agencies, general notes, etc.
Pennsylvania Securities Commission
The Pennsylvania Securities Commission was responsible for administering the Pennsylvania Securities Act of 1972; the Act of May 15, 1933; and the Takeover Disclosure Law of Pennsylvania . The primary purpose of the regulatory responsibilities and objectives was to protect the public from fraudulent practices in connection with the offer, sale, and purchase of securities in Pennsylvania while encouraging the financing of legitimate business and industry in the Commonwealth.
The publications of the Pennsylvania Securities Commission contain compendiums. Selected topics from these publications include commission orders and required act reporting. The bulk of the current material is dated from 2011.
Download the Pennsylvania Securities Commission finding aid for further information on agency history, relationships with other state agencies, general notes, etc.
Public Employee Retirement Commission
The Public Employee Retirement Commission (PERC) was responsible for seeing that public employee retirement systems were actuarially sound by attaching actuarial reports to proposed legislation or constitutional amendments that made any changes in the retirement or pension systems. Although encompassing the Pennsylvania State Employee Retirement System and the Public School Employees' Retirement System, the Commission was especially concerned with the complexities of pension funding for municipal employees, police, and firefighters.
The publications of the Public Employee Retirement Commission contain annual reports, assembly reports, and status reports. Selected topics from these publications include county pensions, deferred plans, employee and employer contributions, and cost of living.
Download the Public Employee Retirement Commission finding aid for further information on agency history, relationships with other state agencies, general notes, etc.
Public Pension Management and Asset Investment Review Commission
The Public Pension Management and Asset Investment Review Commission (PPMAIRC) examined and made recommendations regarding investment fee transparency, pension system stress testing, and active versus passive investment strategies and performance in order to create a plan to reform pension benefits of PSERS and SERS.
The publications of the Public Pension Management and Asset Investment Review Commission contain reports. Selected topics from these publications include public pensions and asset investment.
Download the Public Pension Management and Asset Investment Review Commission finding aid for further information on agency history, relationships with other state agencies, general notes, etc.
Public Service Commission
The Public Service Commission regulated of Pennsylvania's public services not engaged in interstate commerce, while monitoring the interaction of the public utility companies and the general public as the principal arbitrator. Duties included regulation of utility rates, assessing fair value of utility property, and auditing utilities.
The publications of the Public Service Commission contain annual reports. Selected topics from these publications include railroad accident statistics. The bulk of the current material is dated from 1930 to 1935.
Download the Public Service Commission finding aid for further information on agency history, relationships with other state agencies, general notes, etc.
State Dependents' Commission
The State Dependents' Commission investigated and reported on the status of care, education, and support of those labeled "dependents" in Pennsylvania, being people disabled by accident, misfortune, or sickness / disease. Five citizens, with Mr. P.C. Boyle as Chairman, were granted a tentative sum of $15,000 for the task. The Commission culminated with a comprehensive report, including a plan and recommendations to better support Pennsylvania's dependents, which included an urge to repeal the confusing 1000+ state and local statutes in favor of one comprehensive reform act.
The publications of the State Dependents' Commission contain reports. Selected topics from these publications include mental dependency.
Download the State Dependents' Commission finding aid for further information on agency history, relationships with other state agencies, general notes, etc.
State Quarantine Board
The State Quarantine Board consisted of the President of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia, the Secretary of the State Board of Health, the President of the Philadelphia Maritime Exchange, the Health Officer of Philadelphia, the Quarantine Physician, and a member each appointed by the Mayor of Philadelphia and the Governor of Pennsylvania. The agency was responsible for administration of the State Quarantine Station and policy involving epidemics relating to disease quarantines, and transportation restrictions enforcing quarantine measures.
The publications of the State Quarantine Board contain annual reports and governing laws. Selected topics from these publications include bylaws and yearly happenings of the agency. The bulk of the current material is dated from 1893 to 1900.
Download the State Quarantine Board finding aid for further information on agency history, relationships with other state agencies, general notes, etc.